Learn the Artisan traditions of naturally cured meats, Hot Italian or Calabrese Sausage
Learn to make your own yummies

Salumi & Charcuterie Class 

For the price of $95.00 per person, this class includes lunch and will be hosted at various Sonoma County Wineries or at a location of your choice. Learn the Artisan tradition of how to naturally cure meats. Chef Joe Rueter, Trained in Norcia, Italy in the traditions of the Italian Salumeri, and at the French Laundry Restuaurant in the Art of French Charcuterie,  and Chef Skip Henderson a former Navy Chef for Officers, lead this very hands on lesson in Gastronomy. The best part is you get to bring home the tasty creations you make in the class!

What to bring? Apron, Knife & Note Book.

A Crash Course in the Culinary Mentality –
"Mise En Place" - Everything in its place. (Think through the the cooking process before you cook!)+ Preparation - Collecting all equipment, tools, containers, & food. + Knives – Care. Selecting the proper knife for the job. Sharpening. + Food Safety – Time, Temperature, Controlling Bacteria, & Cleaning.

Fat, Protein & Emulsification -
The ratio of meat to fat and how they are combined is crucial in making moist delicious sausages!

Seasoning, Curing & Brining -
Liquid is essential; wine, spirits, juice, or water. Adding flavor & preserving at the same time with a cure mix, following the basic ratio.

The Grinder -
Select the right size of grind, chill the blade & die. Grind the meat in proportion for a quick emulsification. Grind quickly & over ice!

Links, Patties, Terrines & Crepinettes -
Choosing the right medium for your creation. Testing for texture & flavor is enjoyable.

Charcuterie & Cooking Methods
Learn proper terrine making techniques as well as grilling & skillet cooking methods. Discuss flavorful dishes and succulent pairings over lunch.

Drying, Smoking & Fermenting
Drying and Air Curing your Salumi. Smoking Meats and Fish. Traditional Salumi & Fermentation.
